Quickstart with Docker

Docker is the de-facto standard for packaging distributed applications. For easy deployments, we provide a Docker container image of BBoxDB. We also offer a Docker compose file which installs a cluster consisting of three Zookeeper nodes and five BBoxDB nodes within two minutes.

Setup a sample cluster

To set up the sample cluster, please enter the following commands. Please note that you have do install Docker and Docker Compose first.

$ wget https://github.com/jnidzwetzki/bboxdb/blob/master/misc/docker/docker-compose.yml
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

After the command is completed, you should have 8 containers running:

$ # docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                  COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                NAMES
18f2094d7e6f        jnidzwetzki/bboxdb:latest              "/bboxdb/misc/docker…"   4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes>10085/tcp,>50505/tcp   docker_bboxdb1_1
3cae87bd4c83        jnidzwetzki/bboxdb:latest              "/bboxdb/misc/docker…"   4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes>10085/tcp,>50505/tcp   docker_bboxdb2_1
6072d04f4f9f        jnidzwetzki/bboxdb:latest              "/bboxdb/misc/docker…"   4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes>10085/tcp,>50505/tcp   docker_bboxdb3_1
09bf6a5491fe        jnidzwetzki/bboxdb:latest              "/bboxdb/misc/docker…"   4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes>10085/tcp,>50505/tcp   docker_bboxdb4_1
cc2f8632e16f        jnidzwetzki/bboxdb:latest              "/bboxdb/misc/docker…"   4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes>10085/tcp,>50505/tcp   docker_bboxdb5_1
9b78d1d6d8da        zookeeper                              "/docker-entrypoint.…"   9 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes        2888/tcp,>2181/tcp, 3888/tcp           docker_zk1_1
acfb02de781f        zookeeper                              "/docker-entrypoint.…"   9 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes        2888/tcp, 3888/tcp,>2181/tcp           docker_zk3_1
79e73e60883d        zookeeper                              "/docker-entrypoint.…"   9 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes        2888/tcp, 3888/tcp,>2181/tcp           docker_zk2_1

You can now enter one of the BBoxDB containers and work with the CLI of BBoxDB. For example, you can list all discovered BBoxDB nodes.

$ docker exec -it docker_bboxdb5_1 bash
bash-4.4# /bboxdb/bin/cli.sh -action show_instances -zookeeperhost zk1:2181
Connecting to BBoxDB cluster... [Established]
Show all discovered BBoxDB instances

DistributedInstance [ip=, port=50505, version=0.7.0, cpuCores=4, memory=1.7 GB, state=READY, storages=1, freeSpace()=610.1 GB, totalSpace()=1.8 TB]
DistributedInstance [ip=, port=50505, version=0.7.0, cpuCores=4, memory=1.7 GB, state=READY, storages=1, freeSpace()=610.1 GB, totalSpace()=1.8 TB]
DistributedInstance [ip=, port=50505, version=0.7.0, cpuCores=4, memory=1.7 GB, state=READY, storages=1, freeSpace()=610.1 GB, totalSpace()=1.8 TB]
DistributedInstance [ip=, port=50505, version=0.7.0, cpuCores=4, memory=1.7 GB, state=READY, storages=1, freeSpace()=610.1 GB, totalSpace()=1.8 TB]
DistributedInstance [ip=, port=50505, version=0.7.0, cpuCores=4, memory=1.7 GB, state=READY, storages=1, freeSpace()=610.1 GB, totalSpace()=1.8 TB]

When you are done with your work, you can stop and delete the BBoxDB cluster.

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml rm

Manual installation


BBoxDB depends on the following programs:

  • Java (>= 8, Oracle)
  • Git
  • Maven

On Ubuntu, you can install them by typing:

apt-get install oracle-java8-installer ant maven git

On Debian, you can install them by typing:

apt-get install java-package ant maven git

# Download the JDK from Oracle, replace $version with the current version of the JVM
make-jpkg jdk-$version-linux-x64.tar.gz
dpkg -i oracle-java8-jdk_$version_amd64.deb

Notice: BBoxDB should run on every Linux distribution, but at the moment the software is only tested on Debian and Ubuntu Linux.

Clock synchronization

BBoxDB uses timestamps to order operations. So, it is useful to have a reliable time source on all systems. We strongly recommend to synchronize the local clock with an NTP server. You can accomplish this by executing:

apt-get install ntp

Setup the environment

Let the environment variable BBOXDB_HOME point to the installation directory. For example /opt/bboxdb:

export BBOXDB_HOME=/opt/bboxdb
echo 'export BBOXDB_HOME=/opt/bboxdb' >> .bashrc

Setup SSH keys

Between all nodes of the cluster, a passphrase-less SSH connection should be possible for the current user. This can be accomplished by creating a SSH key by calling:

ssh-keygen -t rsa

Afterward, the SSH key can be distributed. This can be done by calling the following command:

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub @nodename

This command should be executed for each node of the used cluster and nodename should be replaced by the FQDN by the node.

Downloading and compiling the software

git clone https://github.com/jnidzwetzki/bboxdb
mv bboxdb $BBOXDB_HOME
$BBOXDB_HOME/bin/manage_instance.sh bboxdb_update

The last command executes maven, downloads all needed dependencies and complies BBoxDB. This step has to be repeated on every node in your cluster.

Installing BBoxDB

The following sections are covering the initial setup of the BBoxDB.

Setup the nodes of the system

BBoxDB employs Apache Zookeeper to coordinate the distributed system. BBoxDB includes some helper scripts to install and configure the Zookeeper installation automatically. To setup the Zookeeper and BBoxDB nodes, you only need to define the name of the hosts in two files. The file $BBOXDB_HOME/conf/bboxdb-nodes contains the name of all BBoxDB nodes and the file $BBOXDB_HOME/conf/zookeeper-nodes contains the names of all Zookeeper nodes. It is recommended to define at least 3 Zookeeper nodes. Bellow, you find an example with 3 Zookeeper nodes and 6 BBoxDB nodes. Zookeeper and BBoxDB can be installed on the same hardware.

cat $BBOXDB_HOME/conf/zookeeper-nodes

cat $BBOXDB_HOME/conf/bboxdb-nodes

Ports and JVM parameter

The file $BBOXDB_HOME/conf/bboxdb-env.sh contains the configuration options for the BBoxDB service and the JVM parameter. You should open the file and adjust the settings to your preferences.

Notice: At least, the parameter jmx_password should be customized. Otherwise, unauthorized attackers could connect to the JMX interface of the JVM and perform operations like a shutdown of the BBoxDB.

vi $BBOXDB_HOME/bin/bboxdb-env.sh

Starting and stopping the system

To manage the processes of BBoxDB, two scripts are provided: $BBOXDB_HOME/bin/manage_instance.sh is used to start and stop the processes on the local node. $BBOXDB_HOME/bin/manage_cluster.sh is used to managed a whole cluster of nodes.

Both scripts require one parameter. This parameter determines the operation of the script. Depending on the script, the task is performed only on the local system or on the whole cluster.

Parameter Description
zookeeper_start Configure and start zookeeper
zookeeper_stop Stop zookeeper
zookeeper_drop Stop zookeeper and drop the stored data
zookeeper_client Connect to the local zookeeper process and open an interactive shell. This parameter is only available with the manage_instance.sh script
bboxdb_start Start the BBoxDB process
bboxdb_start_debug Start the BBoxDB process in debug mode
bboxdb_start_trace Start the BBoxDB process in trace mode
bboxdb_stop Stop the BBoxDB process
bboxdb_upgrade Download the last version from github and compile the source

Example: Start a whole cluster:

$BBOXDB_HOME/bin/manage_cluster.sh zookeeper_start
$BBOXDB_HOME/bin/manage_cluster.sh bboxdb_start

Example: Stop a whole cluster:

$BBOXDB_HOME/bin/manage_cluster.sh bboxdb_stop
$BBOXDB_HOME/bin/manage_cluster.sh zookeeper_stop


Zookeeper and BBoxDB messages are written into logfiles. Depending on the start parameter of the server bboxdb_start, bboxdb_start_debug or bboxdb_start_trace, a different amount of details are written into the log files.

Logfile Content
$BBOXDB_HOME/zookeeper.log Details about the operation of Zookeeper
$BBOXDB_HOME/bboxdb.log Details about the operation of BBoxDB