The network protocol of BBoxDB

The protocol of BBoxDB is based on packages. Each packages consists of a header and a body. The header has a fixed size, the body has a variable size. It exists two types of packages: request and response packages. The request package is sent from the client to BBoxDB, the response package is sent from BBoxDB to the client.

The request package

0         8       16       24       32
|     Request-ID   |  Request-Type   |
|            Body-Length             |
|                                    |
| Routed  |       Hop       | Unused |
|  Length of hosts |  Routing-List   |
|                                    |
|               Body                 |
.                                    .
.                                    .

Request Header

  • Request-ID - The id of the request, e.g., a consecutive number.
  • Request-Type - The type of the request.
  • Body length - The length of the body as a long value.
  • Routed - Does the package contain routing information (0x01) or not (0x0).
  • Hop - The hop of the package. Is set to 0x00 if the package is not routed.
  • Length of host - The length of the host list. Will be set to 0x00 if the package is not routed.
  • Routing-List - A comma separated list of hosts for package routing. The format of the list is: [host1:port,region-id1:flags,region-id2:flags,region-idN;host2:port,region-id1:flags,region-id2:flags,region-idN;…]. The flags determine the handling of the package. For example, the set bit 0x01 means that the tuple should be not inserted on disk (i.e., streaming tuple only).

Request Types:

  • Type 0x00 - Hello request
  • Type 0x01 - Insert tuple request
  • Type 0x02 - Delete tuple request
  • Type 0x03 - Create table request
  • Type 0x04 - Delete table request
  • Type 0x05 - Lock tuple
  • Type 0x06 - Disconnect request
  • Type 0x07 - Query request
  • Type 0x08 - Create distribution group request
  • Type 0x09 - Delete distribution group request
  • Type 0x10 - Compression envelope request
  • Type 0x11 - Keep alive package request
  • Type 0x12 - Next page request
  • Type 0x13 - Cancel query request

The response package

0         8       16       24       32
|     Request-ID   |  Result-Type    | 
|             Body length            |
|                                    |
|                                    |
|               Body                 |
.                                    .
.                                    .
  • Request-ID - The id of the request which the response belongs too.
  • Result-Type - The result type of the operation.
  • Body length - The length of the body as a long value. For Packages without body, the length is set to 0.


  • Type 0x00 - Hello result
  • Type 0x01 - Operation Success - with details in the body
  • Type 0x02 - Operation Error - with details in the body
  • Type 0x03 - Result of the List tables call
  • Type 0x04 - A result that contains a tuple
  • Type 0x05 - Start multiple tuple result
  • Type 0x06 - End multiple tuple result
  • Type 0x07 - End page
  • Type 0x08 - Joined tuple response
  • Type 0x09 - Tuple lock successfully
  • Type 0x10 - Compression envelope

Body for response type = 0x01/0x02 (Success/Error with details)

0         8       16       24       32
|   Message-Length |     Message     |
+------------------+                 |
.                                    .
.                                    .
  • Message-Length - The length of the error message
  • Message - The error message

Body for response type = 0x04

This is a response body that contains a tuple.

0         8       16       24       32
|   Table-Length   |   Key-Length    |
|            BBox-Length             |
|            Data-Length             |
|             Timestamp              |
|                                    |
|             Tablename              |
.                                    .
|               Key                  |
.                                    .
|               BBOX                 |
.                                    .
|                                    |
|               Data                 |
.                                    .
.                                    .


  • All time stamps are 64 bit long and have a resolution of microseconds.
  • A bounding box and a data value of “DEL” indicate a deleted tuple
  • A bounding box and a data value of “WATERMARK” indicate a watermark tuple
  • A bounding box and a data value of “INVALIDATION” indicate a invalidation tuple

Body for response type = 0x05 / 0x06 / 0x07

By using the response types 0x05 and 0x06 a set of tuples can be transfered. For example, this could be the result of a query. The begin of the transfer of the tuple set is indicated by the package type 0x06; the end is indicated by the type 0x06. Both package types have an empty body.

Transferring a set of tuples:

0         8       16       24       32
|  0x06 - Start multiple tuple result|
|  0x05 - A result tuple             |
|  0x05 - A result tuple             |
|               ....                 | 
|  0x05 - A result tuple             |
|  0x07 - End multiple tuple result  |

Or with paging:

0         8       16       24       32
|  0x06 - Start multiple tuple result |
|  0x05 - A result tuple              |
|  0x05 - A result tuple              |
|  0x09 - End page                    |
|  Client: 0x12 - Next tuples         |
|  0x06 - Start multiple tuple result |
|               ....                  |
|  0x05 - A result tuple              |
|  0x07 - End multiple tuple result   |

Request body

 0         8       16       24       32
|  CP Type | Number of pkg. | Unused |
|                                    |
|            Compressed data         |
.                                    .

CP Type - Compression type (0x00 = gzip compression). Number of packages - Number of contained packages

Body for response type = 0x08

This package type contains a joined tuple (the result of a join operation). In contrast to the normal tuple, this joined tuple consists of multiple keys and values.

0         8       16       24       32
|         Number of tuples          |
|                                   |
.             Tuple 1               .
.                                   .
|                                   |
.             Tuple N               .
.                                   .

package body

The structure of the body depends on the request type. The next sections describe the used structures.


Handshake with the server

Request body

The body contains the protocol version and the capabilities of the client.

0         8       16       24       32
|          Protocol Version          |
|         Client-Capabilities        |

Client features:

Bit 0: GZIP Compression

Response body

The body contains the protocol version and the capabilities of the server.

0         8       16       24       32
|          Protocol Version          |
|         Client-Capabilities        |

Client features:

Bit 0: GZIP Compression


This package inserts a new tuple into a given table. The result could be currently response type 0x01 or 0x02.

Request body

0         8       16       24       32
|   Table-Length   |   Key-Length    |
|            BBox-Length             |
|            Data-Length             |
|             Timestamp              |
|                                    |
|             Tablename              |
.                                    .
|               Key                  |
.                                    .
|               BBOX                 |
.                                    .
|                                    |
|               Data                 |
.                                    .
.                                    .

Create table

Create a new table. The result could be currently response type 0x01 or 0x02.

Request body

0         8       16       24       32
|   Table-Length   |D-Allow | Unused |
|                 TTL                |
|                                    |
|        Number of Duplicates        |
|  Length S-Reader | Length S-Writer |
|               Tablename            |
.                                    .
|         Spatial Index reader       |
.                                    .
|         Spatial Index writer       |
.                                    .

Lock tuple

This package locks a tuple for further update. The result coubd be response type 0x01 or 0x08.

Request body

0         8       16       24       32
|   Table-Length   |    Key-Length   |
| Delete  |          Unused          |
|          Version-Timestamp         |
|                                    |
|              Tablename             |
.                                    .
|                 Key                |
.                                    .

Delete Table

This package deletes a whole table. The result could be currently response type 0x01 or 0x02.

Request body

0         8       16       24       32
|   Table-Length   |                 |
+------------------+                 |
|              Tablename             |
.                                    .


Disconnect from server

Request body

The body of the package is empty

0         8       16       24       32

Response body

The result could be currently only response type 0x01. The server waits until all pending operations are completed successfully. Afterwards, the response type 0x01 is sent and the connection is closed.


This package represents a query.

Request body

The request body of a query consists of the query type and specific data for the particular query.

0         8       16       24       32
| Q-Type  | Paging |    Page Size    | 
|         Query specific data        |
.                                    .

Query type:

  • Type 0x01 - Key query
  • Type 0x02 - Hyperrectangle query
  • Type 0x03 - Version Time query
  • Type 0x04 - Insert Time query
  • Type 0x05 - Time and hyperrectangle query
  • Type 0x06 - Continuous hyperrectangle query
  • Type 0x07 - Join query


  • 0x00 - Paging disabled
  • 0x01 - Paging enabled

Page size:

  • Number of results per page


This query asks for a specific key in a particular table.

Request body

0         8       16       24       32
|  0x01   | Paging |    Page Size    | 
|   Table-length   |   Key-Length    |
|              Tablename             |
.                                    .
|                 Key                |
.                                    .

Response body

The result could be currently the response types 0x01, 0x02, 0x05 and 0x06. The result type 0x02 indicates an error. The result type 0x01 means, that the query is processed successfully, but no matching tuple was found. The result type 0x05 indicates that one tuple is found.


This query asks for all tuples, that are covered by the hyperrectangle.

Request body

0         8       16       24       32
|  0x02   | Paging |    Page Size    | 
|   Table-Length   |     Unused      |
|              BBOX-Length           | 
|              Tablename             |
.                                    .
|                 BBOX               |
.                                    .
|             Number of UDFs         |
|            UDF Name length 1       | 
|               UDF Name 1           |
.                                    .
|            UDF Value length 1      | 
|               UDF Value 1          |
.                                    .
.                                    .
.            Further UDFs            .
.                                    .

Response body

The result could be currently the response types 0x02, 0x03 and 0x06.

Version Timestamp Query

This query fetches all tuples, that have a version timestamp (versiontime(tuple) >= time stamp).

Request body

0         8       16       24       32
|  0x03   | Paging |    Page Size    | 
|              Timestamp             |
|                                    |
|    Table-length  |                 |
+------------------+                 |
|              Tablename             |

Response body

The result could be currently the response types 0x02, 0x03 and 0x06.

Insert Timestamp Query

This query fetches all tuples, that have a insert timestamp (inserttime(tuple) >= time stamp).

Request body

0         8       16       24       32
|  0x04   | Paging |    Page Size    | 
|              Timestamp             |
|                                    |
|    Table-length  |                 |
+------------------+                 |
|              Tablename             |

Response body

The result could be currently the response types 0x02, 0x03 and 0x06.

Time and hyperrectangle query

This query asks for all tuples, that are covered by the hyperrectangle and newer than time.

Request body

0         8       16       24       32
|  0x05   | Paging |    Page Size    | 
|   Table-Length   |     Unused      |
|              BBOX-Length           | 
|              Timestamp             |
|                                    |
|              Tablename             |
.                                    .
|                 BBOX               |
.                                    .

Response body

The result could be currently the response types 0x02, 0x03 and 0x06.

Continuous query

This runs continuously and returns all tuples that are newly stored which matches the query plan.

Request body

0         8       16       24       32
|  0x06   | Unused |  Table-Length   | 
|          Query-Plan-Length         | 
|          Query-Plan (JSON)         |
.                                    .

Response body

The result could be currently the response types 0x02 and 0x05.

Spatial Join query

This query executes a spatial join on multiple tables. The result of the join is restricted to the hyperrectangle.

Request body

0         8       16       24       32
|  0x07   | Paging |    Page Size    |
|          Number of tables          | 
|              BBOX-Length           |
|                 BBOX               |
|             Number of UDFs         |
|            UDF Name length 1       | 
|               UDF Name 1           |
.                                    .
|            UDF Value length 1      | 
|               UDF Value 1          |
.                                    .
.                                    .
.            Further UDFs            .
.                                    .
|   Table-Length 1 |   Tablename 1   |
|   Table-Length N |   Tablename N   |

Response body

The result could be currently the response types 0x02 and 0x08.

Create distribution group

This package deletes a whole table. The result could be currently response type 0x01, 0x03 and 0x04.

Request body

0         8       16       24       32
|             Dimensions             |
|    Replication   |   Group-Length  |
| Placement-Length |  Space-P-Length | 
|       Placement Config Length      |
|  Space-Partitioner Config Length   |
|        Maximum region size         |
|        Minimum region size         |
|     Distribution Group Name        |
.                                    .
|    Placement Strategy Class        |
.                                    .
|         Placement Config           |
.                                    .
|     Space Partitioner Class        |
.                                    .
|     Space Partitioner Config       |
.                                    .

The field ‘replication’ determines how many replicates are created into the distribution group

Delete distribution group

This package deletes a whole table. The result could be currently response type 0x01, 0x03 and 0x04.

Request body

0         8       16       24       32
|   Group-Length   |                 |
+------------------+                 |
|        Distribution Group          |
.                                    .

Compression envelope

This is a compression envelope. This package contains another request packages in a compressed format. The result type depends of the content of the envelope.

Request body

 0         8       16       24       32
|  CP Type | Number of pkg. | Unused |
|                                    |
|            Compressed data         |
.                                    .

CP Type - Compression type (0x00 = gzip compression). Number of packages - Number of contained packages

Response body

The result could be currently the response types 0x00, 0x02.

Keep alive package

This package is sent periodically to keep the TCP connection open. When a connection between two BBoxDB-instances is established, the package is also be used to share gossip information (eventual consistency). When no checksums are contained, the table length and the number of checksums field are set to 0.

Request body

0         8       16       24       32
|   Table-Length   |     Unused      |
|           Number of Elements       |
|              Tablename             |
|   Key-Length 1   |     Key 1       |
|            BBox Length 1           |
|               BBox 1               |
|                                    |
|          Version Timestamp 1       |
|            BBox Length N           |
|               BBox N               |
|                                    |
|          Version Timestamp N       |
|                                    |

Response body

The result could be currently the response type 0x01 and 0x02.

Next page

Request the next tuples for a given query.

Request body

0         8       16       24       32
| Query Request ID |      Unused     |

This package requests the next tuples for the given query

Response body

The result could be currently the response types 0x01, 0x02 and 0x05.

Cancel query

Cancel the given query.

Request body

0         8       16       24       32
| Query Request ID |      Unused     |

Response body

The result could be currently the response types 0x01 and 0x02.

Request Continuous Query State

With this operation, the state of the continuous queries can be requested. This operation is used when regions are split or merged and the continuous queries needs to be re-registered on new nodes.

Request body

0         8       16       24       32
|         Tuplestore Length          |
|          Tuplestore Name           |
.                                    .

Response body

0         8       16       24       32
|         Number of queries          |
|          Length of UUID            |
|                                    |
|               UUID 1               |
|                                    |
|                                    |
|     Number of range query keys     |
|    Length of range query key 1     |
|               Key1                 |
.                                    .
|    Length of range query key N     |
|               KeyN                 |
.                                    .
|       Number of join keys          |
|    Length of join  query key 1     |
|               Key1                 |
.                                    .
|       Number of join partners      |
|       Length of join partner  1    |
|            Join Partner 1          |
.                                    .
|      Length of query state 2       |
.                                    .
.                                    .

The response contains the number of registered continuous queries for this region. For each region, the active matched range query keys are contained. In addition, the active join partners for these keys are also contained.